Early in July I headed for the mountains, hoping for a clear night during the full moon. Ha ha. We all know how well that worked out, not only for me but for most of the eastern seaboard. I'd been wanting to try some extended time exposures using the ambient moonlight, and there were a couple of places I had in mind. The cloud cover proved to be too much, and neither of my set-ups were worthwhile, however.
But while the clouds (and subsequent rain) pretty much killed that trip I did get the shots of the abandoned car in the previous post, and put together the above pano in the upper parking lot at Snowshed. This was put together from twelve vertical exposures. Take a look at the cloud on the far right and tell me it doesn't look like a human profile. Sort of.
July 25, 2009
But while the clouds (and subsequent rain) pretty much killed that trip I did get the shots of the abandoned car in the previous post, and put together the above pano in the upper parking lot at Snowshed. This was put together from twelve vertical exposures. Take a look at the cloud on the far right and tell me it doesn't look like a human profile. Sort of.

This next one was a few weeks later, during a much more cooperative weekend on the weather front. We took our bikes into Woodstock, about 35 miles round trip, then later in the afternoon took the K1 gondola up Killington Peak. Getting off the gondola at the top I noticed something a little odd. There was a small whiteboard near the operator's station, and someone had written on it:
'Welcome to Mt. Killington. Elev. 4235 feet'
Okay, you're wondering, what's so unusual? Well, it was the elevation. Of a mountain. Written in erasable marker on a whiteboard. Like they might have to change it regularly.
This panorama was also made from twelve vertical shots. Both sets of images were shot handheld using the wide end of a 17-40mm lens. Like all the pictures on this website, you can click on the picture to view a larger version.
This panorama was also made from twelve vertical shots. Both sets of images were shot handheld using the wide end of a 17-40mm lens. Like all the pictures on this website, you can click on the picture to view a larger version.
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